Monday, October 13, 2008

Web 2.0 Tools

I decided to check out the 'Games and Entertainment' winners of the Web 2.0 Awards and chose 2nd place getter 'Galaxiki' because 1st placegetter 'Zango' was blocked.

In its own words
"Galaxiki is a wiki based science fiction galaxy created, maintained and owned by its Community. As a visitor you may explore the galaxy or read science fiction and fantasy stories written by the community. As a site member you may name and edit edit solar systems and write your own science fiction or fantasy stories, post news and stories in the community blog (anything related to science, space, science fiction and fantasy is allowed) and help to build a fantastic online world.
Membership and editing community owned systems is completely free, but you may also buy your own star that will act as your personal wiki. You can name or dedicate a star, describe your planets, moons, invent alien life forms or even write entire science fiction and fantasy stories. All pages are wiki based and easy to edit."
You can also get a solar system widget of your choice. Mine is WDJ228 a red dwarf star with no planets. If you were into this sort of thing, I could see where this would be a great site to belong to.

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